Designed by | Gooyaabi

* Written in Dutch *

Dag allemaal!

In een eerdere blog heb ik beloofd jullie op de hoogte te houden over mijn eerste ervaring met 'mijn kleuters', dus besloot ik dit vandaag even te vertellen.... Jullie weten waarschijnlijk wel dat ik momenteel op de hogeschool kleuteronderwijs studeer. Dat was niet meteen mijn eerste studiekeuze, maar uiteindelijk ben ik hier beland. Een keuze waar ik trouwens nog lang geen spijt van heb. Anyway, vorige week maandag en dinsdag kregen we de kans om elk naar onze stageschool in de buurt van ons huis te gaan. Ik kreeg een katholieke basisschool school aangeboden met veel anderstalige kindjes. Ondanks de taalbarriëre zag ik het wel zitten.

Hey everyone,

This month I decided to look up a few gorgeous make up looks by Hayden Panettiere on the internet. Man have u ever noticed her flawless skin? It almost looks like it's unreal. Lucky for her it isn't.... When looking I realised she looks great with pinks and bronzed skin. Wat do you think? Here's my top 3:

Hey everyone,

I did a little shopping at H&M today to increase my winter wardrobe. There were a lot of cute classy dresses made of thicker materials. Perfect for women who still want to wear dresses around this time of the year. Maybe I'll start to wear more dresses too this winter 'cause I rarely wear that during this period. I also noticed a few typical musthaves pieces this year which all looked so pretty! That's why I came up with the idea to make a summary of this season's musthaves...

Hey everyone,

I'm totally into cozy sweaters and skirts combined with tights since autumn is in town. However I still haven't haven't planned a shopping day so far although I've the feeling that's going to be soon! It's just been pretty hectic for me the last couple of weeks because of several duties which were hard to cancel. Anyway, that doesn't mean I can't make a little fashion tag blog post in the meantime. This is going to be my second one since I already did one last month....

Hey everyone,

Have you noticed those beautiful advertising photos of Lana Del Rey for H&M yet? I think it's absolutely beautiful. I'm not really a person who gets overwhelmed by good advertising easily but this is just incredible! H&M couldn't have asked a better celebrity person for this typical collection. I've always loved Lana Del Rey's singing abilities and fashion style so no wonder I like it so much. I really should be going to a H&M store soon to pick up some of these pieces. Photos of the campaign are added down below...