Hey allemaal!
Aangezien ik de laatste tijd nogal veel zin heb gekregen om te schrijven in het Nederlands is dat ook wat ik nu ga doen. Maar goed. Je hebt het waarschijnlijk al eerder opgemerkt: de winkels hangen vol met gestutte kledij, handtassen, schoenen,... Je kan er gewoon niet naast kijken. Onder andere H&M verkoopt sinds kort studs apart, die je dan kan plakken op alles war je maar wilt. Onlangs kocht ik een pakje studs bij studfabriek.nl. Daar ben niet veel later enkele toffe dingen mee beginnen doen. Wat ik daarmee deed en hoe ik dat gedaan heb, zie je hieronder...
Hey everyone!
Whether you like Kim Kardashian or not, it's hard to deny the fact she looks stunning. Not a day goes by without Kim Kardashian looking fabulous again. I admit it must be hard for women in general not too be jealous at Kim, even I am every now and then. That doesn't mean you can't look as glamorous as her anymore all of a sudden. The past couple of days I took some time observing Kim's fashion style which helped me creating this post for you guys. I've mentioned 5 features down below which are so typical for Kim's fashion style. Now you don't have any excuse anymore to be jealous of her! At least that's what I think LOL...
Hey everyone!
I feel like its's starting to become a trend during this season: leather jackets. In the past, I always kind of thought this wasn't my style at all. All I thought about when seeing a leather jacket were fearless rock chicks, something I'm completely not. But over the years, I somehow started to realise it's not all about liking look a badass. You can easily wear a combination of sweet and fearless items these days, like for example: a leather jaket with an elegant dress underneath and high heels. I really enjoy those style combinations these days. That's why I've been searching for the perfect leather jacket lately. I've already found a few great pieces as you can see down below...
Hey everyone!
Happy new year to all of you! Let 2013 be a great year with a lot of (good) expectations. I'll start off the year by watching the Victoria Secret Fashion Show which has always been an entertaining fashion show. I'm already looking forward to my 20th brithday (which is on February 13th), and a new place to live (Yeah we're going to move... again). Later this year I'll also be attending the musical 'Cats' in Oostende (a city near the beach). I've recently seen some advertising about it on televsion and as a true musical lover, it'll be impossible to miss it. And ofcourse I'll still post a blog post about fashion and beauty on my blog every once in a while to let you guys know the things that are keeping me busy...